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Craniosacral Therapy

What is Craniosacral Therapy?


Craniosacral therapy is a gentle hands-on treatment which aims to rebalance the craniosacral system. Similar to our heart pulse, the brain and spinal cord has its own pulse which stems from the flow of cerebrospinal fluid through fragile channels. The flow of fluid can be felt as a pulse through the bones of the skull and along various points on the body. Optimal circulation of the fluid through this system requires constant mobility of these channels.


Injury, even minimal, to the lining of these channels may cause restrictions or changes in the fluid flow and pulse resulting in imbalances. These imbalances can lead to symptoms and discomfort. For example, a local ​injury caused by inflammation secondary to a concussion could significantly alter the membrane compliance (stretch and give), impacting flow of fluid and signalling of nerves. Even minor disruptions to the fragile system can result in restriction and symptoms.


Craniosacral therapy can be used to alleviate symptoms caused by:


  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Grief

  • Stress

  • Repressed emotions

  • Migraines

  • Chronic pain

  • Jaw pain

  • Post-concussion Syndrome



What  to Expect?


This very gentle form of bodywork consists of extremely light finger and hand pressure on the bones of the skull, sacrum and limbs. It is a quiet and calming therapy that offers an opportunity for the patient to slow down, turn within and receive hands on healing. Similar to other hands-on therapies such as massage and acupuncture, craniosacral is extremely calming to the nervous system offering a reset and promoting a sense of relaxation.


During a session, the patient lays face up on the treatment table. It is best to wear comfortable, loose and thin clothing so that the practitioner can better feel the pulse. The session incorporates gentle assessment of the pulse followed by corrections. Sessions run anywhere from 30 to 60-minutes. Ideally, the patient allows themselves an opportunity to clear some mental space, becoming present and aware of the subtleties of their experience. By approaching the therapy with openness and gentleness, the body can guide its own healing and processing - the practitioner is simply a facilitator for healing.


Head Massage
  • Dr. Geneviève Brûlé, ND
  • @dr.genevievebrule

Nourish Wellness Clinic

Located in Cloverdale, BC


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